I’ve just come back from a restful reflection weekend with Aman. I’m glad we gifted ourselves this time and space for intentional pause.
We stayed in a 150 year old carriage-house, heated by a wood stove, surrounded by snow-covered trees. While sitting in front of the warm fire, we were gently guided by YearCompass to look back on 2024 and set our intentions for 2025.
Hard times were acknowledged, tears were shed, gratitudes were shared. I enjoyed the process of weaving between our reflections as individuals and as partners.
I have emerged from the retreat feeling grounded, clear, and hopeful.
My three words describing 2024: shitty, joyful, perspective-shifting.
The book title of my past year: The Resilient Little Ship: Bobbing in the Chaos
Last year was a marathon of hard times - a long series of family health challenges, caregiver burnout, two tragic suicides, unexpected org changes... It felt like a perpetual cycle of cautious optimism, disappointment, grief, and rebuilding.
At the same time, it was a year of joyful highs - pure awe during the total eclipse, three weddings, hosting 10+ community events and talks, new and deepening friendships, and the greatest joy of all - marrying my soulmate.
The worst and best of life so often occur in parallel. Exhaustion and elation. Despair and hope. Death and new life.
When health diminished and painful loss was felt, small things became the most meaningful. A short walk, a full night’s rest, a phone call, a sunny day, a simple meal. This shift in perspective has been a gift. Gratitude is more deeply infused into my life’s fabric now, and I hope that stays.
Some things that helped me through last year:
Practising self-care and self-compassion - I let go of ambitions to focus on repairing my ship and keeping it afloat. I prioritized rest, made space for hermit time, let myself cry, journaled, focused on small things I could control, sought support from friends, and processed experiences with my therapist. Thank you to everyone who supported me through the dark. It’s okay that I didn’t outwardly achieve as much as I’d hoped. I’m proud of how well I cared for myself so that I could take care of my loved ones.
Prioritizing relationship - Aman and I deepened our understanding of each other and our sense of “we-ness”. We worked through tensions at regular check-ins, gently receiving each other’s vulnerabilities and unearthing inner parts that needed nurturing. I am constantly amazed at his mental resilience and abundance of care. Our relationship was a much-needed anchor amidst the storms. Gendlin Focusing was a very helpful skill that we practised daily, and we highly recommend it to everyone (link to a good intro book).
My theme for 2025 is Recovery. I know what nourishes me most and commit to re-filling my emotional, physical, and spiritual reserves over the next few months. I’m setting stronger boundaries around what I say yes to, while still following the invitations that light up my soul.
I feel a warm optimism in the morning light of this new year. Hurt is healing and new energy is flowing.
I hope that all of you who are reading this are also honouring what your body and soul need most right now.
Feel free to reach out and say hello. I’m curious to know what’s alive in your world. What helped you get through last year? What’s your theme for 2025?
Upcoming event!
Art Night & Cozy Tunes
Sunday Feb 2, 7-9pm | Bampot Teahouse (201 Harbord St, Toronto)
Another invitation I’m excited to say yes to. Bampot reached out and asked if I would host another musical gathering, so…
🎨 Bring your creative projects and supplies, I’ll provide music to woo you into flow. Jam along if you’d like! 🎵
Creative Inspiration
I found this canvas in the recycling room and decided to give it new life. My friend’s cat Mochi now emerges from a psychedelic dimension. An experiment with pencil crayons, watercolour, and gel pens on wood.
Dusted off the mic and recorded a cheerful winter tune that was stuck in my head.
A cute moment: Dad intently watching a dancing ketchup man holding dynamite. (MOCA)
📖 I wrote a book! Finding Your Authentic Self: An Illustrated Journey to Well-being
A picture book for adults. A healing balm for those feeling frazzled or burnt out. A gentle guide for a more radiant existence.
Thank you to everyone who’s ordered a copy and left a review. Your support means a lot to me and helps the book reach even more people.